Monday, March 12, 2012

Manic Monday...

Wow these Monday's roll around all quick right everyone?! I'm not feeling anything clever or particularly witty right now peeps. If you want something funny visit the website and prepare to laugh your socks off. In other news I'm thinking about releasing a new novella soon. The best words/verbs I could describe it with are: action, adventure, humor, romance, mythological, medieval, etc. It's around 24K+ words and ends with a cliffhanger but I plan on making it either a two or three part series. Also I think the newer version of Mona Lisa found recently that may or may not have been done by Da Vinci is major awesome...And just in case you didn't know SXSW is going on and so is Paley Fest... and I was watching the trailer last night on YT for both 'The Borne Legacy' & G.I. Joe 2. Number 1: Jeremy Renner looks a major freakin' bad@$$ lexicon of awesomness. Number 2: The Rock + Channing Tatum with a piece of Bruce Willis thrown in seems too cool for words. Peace out.

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